fredag, februar 03, 2006


Muhammed-tegningerne har virkelig bragt to ting på dagsordenen. Ytringsfriheden og religionen. Ikke kun forholdet mellem de to ting, men også mere generelt.

Manuel Valenzuela har også en mening om præsident Bush's religiøsitet:

The Jesus he claims to follow is not the Jesus that guides him as a politician. Claiming to converse with the Almighty, claiming to be a conduit of the Almighty’s path for humanity, Bush as President has acted more like the God of the Old Testament than the one of the New, unleashing death, destruction and untold suffering on hundreds of thousands of people, most of whom are the descendents of those that first concocted the myth of Bush’s god. He has shown no remorse, no pity, no forgiveness and no love as he has unleashed the instruments and weapons of war upon millions of innocent civilians, waging his own personal jihad against Arabs and Muslims. And people by the millions think him a Christian?

Citatet er fra et nyt essay: "The Pestilent Presidency", som du kan finde på min engelsksprogede blog: Essays & Articles

Valenzuelas opfattelse af religionens rolle i verdenshistorien og i dag, kan du læse om i hans essay: The Poisoning of the Well

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